Salon Policies

Dear guests,

We kindly ask that you read and adhere to our salon policies which are in place to ensure you receive the best possible service while you are with us.  Thank you for your co-operation and understanding.

Missed Appointments & Cancellations

We will do our best not to cancel or re-arrange your appointments and to run to time, and we really appreciate you doing the same. If you are running late, we will try to fit you in, but we may not be able to provide the full service or treatment.

We understand that sometimes you may have to cancel an appointment. Please give Law Salons at least 48 hours’ notice if you have to cancel or change your appointment. Failure to do so may result in you losing your booking deposit.

A deposit of 50% of the cost of your service or treatment will be taken for large services, at the salon’s discretion. We will take payment at the time of booking an appointment with us.

It is very difficult to fill appointments at short notice, and therefore a deposit is taken to prevent this from happening.

If you need to cancel, please call the salon on 01799 510996. Do not text, email, or put a message on social media.


A deposit of 50% of the cost of your service or treatment will be charged if you:

Missed your last appointment with us.
Are a new client.
Are booking online
Are booking an appointment that will last more than two hours.

The fee will be taken when you book your appointment. It will be deducted from your bill when you pay for the service or treatment you have received.

Your deposit will be fully refunded if you cancel, as long as you give us at least 48 hours’ notice.  If you give us less than 48 hours' notice but we are able to fill the appointment, we will put it towards the cost of your next appointment. The deposit will be fully refunded if a service or treatment is unsuitable for you or cannot be provided for any reason.

Payment Details

Before we take your payment, these details will be confirmed to you.

The salon name, location and contact details.
The service or treatment you have booked.
The total price of the service or treatment booked.
The time and date of the appointment.

Colouring Service - Skin Testing

Your safety is our priority, which is why we introduce all our colour clients to ColourStart allergy alert testing before their colour appointment. ColourStart is a convenient, and accurate patch test that checks for sensitivity to hair colour ingredients. This innovative test is applied to your skin at least five days before your appointment, ensuring there's enough time to assess any potential reactions. The process is quick, easy, and hassle-free, offering peace of mind for both new clients and those who haven't had a colour service with us in six months or longer.

Cutting Service

If your last cutting service at Law Salons was in excess of 8 weeks ago, you will require a Re-Style appointment. We reserve the right to make this amendment in salon at point of sale.

Customer Complaints

Our priority at Law Salons is for you to be completely satisfied with the service you receive from us. We run a professional business so we aim for the highest standards in everything we do. Complaints are rare but we take them seriously, so we have a complaints policy and process we follow to make sure things are put right where needed and we learn from your feedback.

If you need to raise a complaint, you can read the full policy HERE.